“Here Am I; Send Me!”

Election season is on us again and we have a problem: unopposed seats.

By last count, at least 12 seats were running unopposed.

Those being:

Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
Franklin County Coroner
Franklin County Recorder
Franklin County Sheriff
Franklin County Treasurer
State Representative Ohio House District 01
State Representative Ohio House District 02
State Representative Ohio House District 03
State Representative Ohio House District 05
State Representative Ohio House District 07
State Representative Ohio House District 08
State Representative Ohio House District 09

This is intolerable.  This is not democracy.  Surely, we can do better.

During last year’s election, I was appalled at the number of unopposed seats on the ballot.  I would love to see fewer.

Letting seats run unopposed is giving up.  It’s saying we no longer care who makes the decisions that affect our lives.

Surely, there must be some among those reading this who are willing and able to run for public office and at least give the voters a choice.

Well, I am.

I just so happens that I live in District 8, and I don’t like unopposed races either so I’m tossing my hat into the ring.  I’m entering the race for State House Representative for District 8.

Do you live in any of the other Districts?  Will you consider running?

If you are interested, See the Run for Office section at the end of this newsletter.

Hope to see you on the ballot.

Ken Holpp, Secretary, Franklin County Libertarian Party and District 8 Ohio Statehouse Representative candidate.