Libertarians on Securing Liberty

Individual Rights: We prioritize protecting individual rights and freedoms, including free speech, privacy, and due process, ensuring government respects these fundamental liberties.

Civil Liberties: We defend civil liberties against government overreach, advocating for limits on surveillance, police powers, and infringements on personal autonomy.

Criminal Justice Reform: We promote reforms that emphasize rehabilitation, reduce incarceration rates, and uphold fair trials and equal treatment under the law.

Privacy Rights: We oppose unwarranted surveillance and data collection, advocating for strong privacy protections in the digital age to safeguard personal information.

Self Defense: We view the only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights against aggression. We affirm the right to bear arms as a fundamental individual right, opposing unnecessary restrictions or prosecution for exercising right of self-defense.

Free Speech: We defend freedom of expression, opposing censorship and advocating for robust protections that allow diverse viewpoints to flourish without government interference.

Equality Before the Law: We advocate for equal treatment under the law regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, ensuring fairness and justice for all.

Libertarian Party on Economic Freedom

Individual Freedom: We believe in the right to engage in economic activities without excessive government interference, ensuring individuals can pursue work, business, and keep the rewards of their labor.

Limited Government Intervention: We advocate against regulations that stifle entrepreneurship and competition, preferring market mechanisms to allocate resources efficiently.

Free Market Principles: We support voluntary exchange and prices set by supply and demand, viewing free markets as superior to central planning for fostering prosperity and innovation.

Property Rights: We prioritize secure property rights, essential for investment, innovation, and responsible resource management, opposing government actions that undermine these rights.

Opposition to Crony Capitalism: We reject government favoritism towards specific industries or companies, advocating for a level playing field where success is based on merit, not political connections.

Taxation and Fiscal Policy: We advocate minimal taxation to fund essential government functions only, believing in simplifying tax systems and reducing the overall burden on individuals and businesses.

Personal Responsibility: We stress individual accountability in economic decisions, supporting voluntary charity and mutual aid over government welfare, encouraging self-reliance and community support.

Libertarian Party on Immigration

The Libertarian Party platform on immigration is deeply rooted in principles of individual freedom, limited government, and the belief in the benefits of open markets and societies.

  1. Decentralization and Local Control: We advocate decentralization of immigration policy. States, local communities, and private organizations better understand their own needs and preferences, leading to more responsive and effective immigration policies.
  2. Individual Freedom: We uphold the right of individuals to move freely and live where we choose, within national borders or across them. We view immigration as an extension of individual liberty, the right to seek better opportunities for ourselves and our families.
  3. Free Markets and Economic Benefits: We recognize that immigration brings economic benefits, filling labor shortages and starting businesses. Open immigration allow businesses to hire the talent globally and consumers benefit from increased competition and innovation.
  4. Limited Government Intervention: We oppose govt intervention that restricts immigration, such as quotas, excessive border controls, or prohibitive bureaucratic hurdles. We advocate for minimal govt involvement in regulating who can enter or reside in a country.
  5. Pathways to Legal Status: We support clear and efficient pathways to legal residency and citizenship. We believe in the importance of rule of law and orderly processes, favoring reforms that facilitate legal immigration and the status of those already in the country.
  6. Humanitarian Considerations: We support compassionate treatment of asylum seekers and refugees, recognizing the right to seek safety and protection from persecution or violence. We advocate for fair and efficient assessment of asylum claims to provide assistance to those in need.

In essence, the Libertarian approach to immigration prioritizes individual liberty, economic freedom, and humanitarian considerations while advocating for limited government interference and decentralized decision-making. We seek to create a system that respects individual rights, maximizes economic opportunities, and upholds the principles of a free and open society.

Libertarian Party of Ohio Submits Petitions for Minor Party Status

Columbus, Ohio, July 2nd — The Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio proudly announces the submission of petitions to attain minor party status for the upcoming election cycle and beyond. This pivotal step demonstrates the party’s commitment to expanding voter choice and advocating for libertarian principles in Franklin County.

In accordance with state regulations, the Libertarian Party of Ohio has diligently collected and filed 88,000 petition signatures from registered voters across the state. These petitions are essential for the party’s bid to achieve official recognition as a minor party, enabling it to field candidates and participate fully in the electoral process.

“We are excited to have completed this crucial phase in our journey towards securing minor party status,” said Jonathan Cowan. “Submitting the minor party petitions represents a significant milestone for our party and reinforces our dedication to offering voters alternative political options that prioritize individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, and limited government.”

Achieving minor party status will allow the Franklin County Libertarian Party to bring forth a diverse slate of candidates who embody libertarian values and address the concerns of local communities. The party remains committed to promoting transparency, accountability, and effective governance through its participation in the democratic process.

As the petitions undergo review by each county Board of Elections, the Franklin County Libertarian Party continues to engage with residents, raise awareness about its platform, and prepare for the upcoming election season. The party encourages residents to learn more about its candidates, initiatives, and commitment to advancing principles of liberty and personal responsibility.

For more information about the Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio and its efforts to secure minor party status, please visit

Contact: Ken Holpp, Communications Director,

About the Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio: The Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio is dedicated to promoting individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, and limited government through its advocacy and electoral efforts. By seeking minor party status, the party aims to provide voters with additional choices and contribute to a more robust and diverse political landscape in Franklin County.

How does the US federal govt fund itself?

It is not with your taxes. Your taxes are not funding the actual functions of the US federal govt.

The real problem is not that the taxes are high, the problem is that the high taxes are not actually funding the govt.

Who is financing the govt?

Govt is financed by selling Treasury Bonds. Paper

Who buys the Treasury Bonds? The Federal Reserve.

How does the Fed buy the bonds? By printing money.

What backing does the Fed have for that money being printed? The Treasury Bonds themselves.

Basically, the govt finances itself by printing money out of thin air.

Someone could ask, if the govt can print unlimited money out of thin air, why do they collect taxes?

The answer is simple and shocking.

The real problem is that you pay high taxes to uphold the illusion that you are funding the govt, when you are really not.

The govt is funded by money printing, paper backed with paper.

A bubble that will inevitably burst.

This is the greatest fraud perpetrated on Americans, on all of humanity.


County Party Election

The Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio will be conducting a County Party Election on Tuesday, May 21st from 7pm to 8pm.

The roles for County Party Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and 3 At-Large spots will be open for nominations and election.

649 High Street, unit C-2 Worthington (W New England Ave Entrance) See photo, entrance is in tunnel under the building on W New England Ave.

Regarding candidate qualifications and requirements.

Bylaw C – Internal officer and delegate qualifications

Section 1. No person may receive endorsement or vote on any motion, resolution, nomination, or internal election at any caucus, convention, meeting, or conference of the Party who does not affirm the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution, Bylaws, and Guiding Principles of the Libertarian Party of Ohio.

Section 2. No person may be eligible for elected office within the Party who is an active officer, candidate, or elected official of another political party within the 30 days prior to such an election.

Section 3. No person may be eligible for elected office within the Party who cannot affirm the following pledge “I hereby certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals.”

If you wish to be considered as a candidate for any of the roles open for election please contact the County Party Secretary.


649 High Street, unit C-2 Worthington (W New England Ave Entrance) See photo, entrance is in tunnel under the building on W New England Ave.

Empowering Liberty: Uniting for Political Reform and Leadership Integrity

Fellow Libertarians,

In our relentless pursuit of individual liberty and the principles of limited government, we find ourselves at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. As we confront the entrenched barriers of a two-party system, grapple with the challenges posed by aging leadership, and navigate the complexities of an uncertain economy, the imperative for political reform and the preservation of leadership integrity has never been more urgent.

Revolutionizing Political Paradigms:

Our current political landscape, dominated by the entrenched duopoly of two major parties, has
failed to adequately represent the diverse spectrum of American values and beliefs. This narrow
binary confines us to a false choice, limiting our ability to enact meaningful change and
relegating our libertarian ideals to the sidelines.

Yet, the power to disrupt this entrenched system lies within each of us. By rallying just one person to join our cause for political reform, we can ignite a grassroots movement that transcends party lines and reshapes the political landscape from the bottom up. From local town halls to state legislatures, from city councils to county commissions, our collective action can build momentum and influence, paving the way for a more inclusive and pluralistic political environment.

Fostering Innovation and Inclusivity:

Our libertarian principles demand a political environment that embraces diversity of thought and empowers local communities to chart their own course. From the bustling metropolis to the rural heartland, the spirit of innovation and self-governance thrives in the rich tapestry of American

Let us inspire our fellow citizens to engage in local politics, volunteer for community organizations, and advocate for policies that promote individual autonomy and voluntary cooperation. By fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity at the grassroots level, we can unleash the full potential of decentralized governance, empowering individuals to shape their own destinies and solve local challenges through bottom-up solutions.

Preserving Leadership Vitality:

The vitality and integrity of our leaders are fundamental to the preservation of our democratic institutions and the protection of our individual rights. As stewards of liberty, we must hold our elected officials to the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct.
The prospect of aging politicians holding political office raises legitimate concerns about their ability to lead with vigor, clarity, and sound judgment. From local councils to the highest echelons of government, we must demand comprehensive age and health assessments for
candidates seeking political office, coupled with transparent reporting of their medical histories.
By ensuring that our leaders are fit to serve and capable of upholding their sworn duties, we can safeguard the principles of liberty and justice for all.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty:

In the midst of these challenges, we find ourselves at an economic crossroads, grappling with the repercussions of a global pandemic, escalating debt, and growing income inequality. The decisions we make today will have far-reaching implications for future generations, shaping the trajectory of our nation's economy and determining whether we remain true to our foundingprinciples of fiscal responsibility and individual opportunity.

As champions of free markets and limited government, we must advocate for policies that promote economic freedom, unleash the entrepreneurial spirit, and empower individuals to pursue their own prosperity. Let us reject the false promises of government intervention and central planning, and instead embrace the principles of free enterprise, competition, and voluntary exchange.

A Call to Action:

The time for passive observation and resignation is over; now is the time for action and solidarity. Together, we possess the power to effect transformative change at every level of government, from the smallest town to the highest office in the land.

If each of us commits to rallying just one person to join our cause for political reform, we can ignite a movement that reverberates from coast to coast, town to city, county to state, and eventually, the entire country. Let us harness the collective power of our grassroots network and
amplify our voices through advocacy, outreach, and coalition-building.

The path to a more prosperous and principled future begins with us. Let us seize this moment and unite in our shared mission to empower liberty, champion integrity, and shape the destiny of our great nation.

In liberty,
Concerned Citizen

📣 Franklin County 📣 Local Government Conference

Join Special Guest Cara Schulz, Mayor Cassaundra Fryman and Comedian Travis Irvine to discuss “participatory budgeting”, building community focused organizations and running for local office!

Lunch is on us! Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly!

Date: Sat 03/23/2024 12am to 4pm

Location: Blacklick Woods Golf Course 

7309 E Livingston Ave, Reynoldsburg, OH, 43068

About Participatory Budgeting

Originally developed in Porto Alegre, Brazil, participatory budgeting is a mechanism to directly involve the community in the budgeting of their tax dollars, now found in many communities worldwide.

Currently adopted by the City of Burnsville, MN and under active exploration by the City of Minneapolis, MN, the concept provides residents and property owners a method to direct a portion of municipal budget.

“Under plan, Burnsville property owners would be able to choose where some tax dollars go

From the Star Tribune “Under plan, Burnsville property owners would be able to choose where some tax dollars go

The city is working to implement “participatory budgeting,” which allows residents to vote on spending for some public projects.

From the City of Burnsville “Originally developed in Porto Alegre, Brazil, participatory budgeting is a mechanism to directly involve the community in the budgeting of their tax dollars, now found in many communities worldwide. City Council is currently exploring participatory budgeting and you are invited to be a part of the conversation.”

From the City of Minneapolis “Participatory budgeting is a set of practices and methodologies to increase democracy in budgeting. Elements of participatory budgeting are currently used by thousands of local governments, public agencies, and other organizations around the world. Participatory budgeting has the potential to increase civic participation by marginalized residents and communities, build relationships, strengthen government credibility, and increase investment in innovative projects. There is an opportunity to integrate participatory budgeting practices into the Minneapolis budget process as the city shifts to a biannual budget and the Council reviews and revises the Budget Committee workplan.”

Learn more:

Special Guest Speaker Cara Schulz will present on “participatory budgeting”, the concept of local government putting aside a portion of the municipal budget for residents to direct based on direct voting. 
Running for Local Office – Travis Irvine 
Building Community Focused Organizations – Mayor Cassaundra Fryman

Date: Sat 03/23/2024 12am to 4pm

Location: Blacklick Woods Golf Course

7309 E Livingston Ave

Reynoldsburg, OH, 43068

Learn more about facility:

Learn more:

About Cara Schulz – City Council Member, City of Burzville, MN. Cara is a dedicated liberty activist involved with a variety of causes in and around her city. Cara is an Air Force veteran who does a wonderful job covering a variety of policy topics [that] …we think are practical, effective messages for citizens of any city.

About Cassaundra Fryman – Mayor, Plymouth, Ohio. Cassaundra is focused on fostering stronger ties in both counties we call home, building a network that strengthens our community and becomes a pipeline for more resources and opportunities.

About Travis Irvine – Comedian, journalist, filmmaker, 2018 Libertarian Party of Ohio candidate for Governor of Ohio.

Lunch catered by Pitabilities

The Franklin County Local Government Conference is presented by the Franklin County Libertarians, with support from The Gahanna Foundation

Learn more about facility

The Franklin County Local Government Conference is presented by the Franklin County Libertarians, with support from The Gahanna Foundation.