DeWine “safety working” groups favor campaign donors

“Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.”

– Milton Friedman

It sounds reasonable at first. Create “working groups” to gather experts in different industries, such as restaurants, salons, and gyms, to form customized plans that best protect workers and customers.

Sounds good? Right?

The problem is, these are all heavily regulated businesses, some with hundreds of hours of required training and safety requirements. Each of these businesses are licensed by the state in multiple different ways, each held hostage at this time by an arbitrary and unlawful designation as “non-essential” from the Ohio Department of Health and Ohio Governor, disallowed to be open, generate revenue to pay employees, bills, rent or income.

It cannot be overstated the tremendous amount of influence the ODH and Governor’s office hold over these Ohioans and their future ability to run their business without harassment, interference and corruption.

These working groups are simply not needed, the ODH and county health departments have already shown a willingness and zeal for creating and enforcing “social distancing” rules, mask requirements, and surely more regulations to come in time. Local police have shown a willingness to enforce these rules, and businesses are already forcing them on employees and customers alike.

In any temporary emergency, this arrangement makes sense. Over time the additional safety burdens will naturally relax on their own, as the public perception of danger decreases well behind the curve of actual danger. The public will be the first to stop adhering so strictly to the safety guidelines, police will grow tired of enforcing unpopular rules that show less and less benefit and eventually the health departments will relax their stance when they find themselves without easy enforcement. (This is how a free people manage themselves.)

These working groups serve three purposes, first they empower member business owners above their peers and grant political rewards for cooperation with unlawful govt influence, the second is to place an emotional and practical distance from the real source of the rule-making and enforcement, along with finger pointing and blame, and the third, most importantly to Mr DeWine and Mr Husted, this incentivises future donors to contribute to their political ambitions and those of their surrogates.

While proposed for crafting “non-binding” recommendations anyone familiar with the scope creep of govt committees knows how quickly these become mandates backed with govt force. Even if they tried to poll all possible members of an industry they can’t account for all concerns or business structures, and will naturally favor their own “expertise” from their own businesses over non-participants. Over time such groups wander from their original intention and begin pushing pet policies that benefit their individual members and place burdens on current and future competitors. Needless to say, while self-regulation is the goal of any open market, a regulation committee that is openly backed by obvious political influence cannot operate properly as a moderating mechanism for any market. The politicians, and opportunist business persons, will always lean heavily on the levers to favor their own agenda.

If this sounds sinister or paranoid look at recent events, look at history, look at the donor lists and “working group” members and decide for yourself. There are plenty of examples of “good intentions” that go horribly wrong, where even seemingly benign “advisory” groups create new bizarre burdens on small business. There are many more examples of politically motivated committees designed to carve power out of lucrative industries. 

Our political masters have seized on an opportunity to flip our world upside-down, re-write the rules of our society and they are taking full advantage. Make no mistake, while the coronavirus may have precipitated a health care crisis, the Governor and his cronies are creating an economic and political disaster to elevate their own interests long after this virus has been defeated.

Over 1 million Ohioans have been forced out of work, left to a broken unemployment system, without income for 4 or more weeks and forced to choose between food and rent, begging for help. These are our neighbors, friends and family. This might be you. They are increasingly desperate. They may agree to any govt condition that lets us get back to work and avoid being evicted, foreclosure or going hungry.
The coronavirus has not sickened or caused the death of enough Ohioans to cause this second calamity. This second disaster is entirely man-made, and crafted as a power play writ large against our entire state.

I call on all liberty minded Ohioans to stand against obvious and subtle power grabs, wrapped in the guise of public safety.
If you cannot protest in public, protest online.
If you cannot take time away from work or family, write a letter to the local newspaper pointing out this abuse of power and trust.
If you can afford it, donate, if you have the time, volunteer, if you have the will Run for Office.
We cannot sit back and hope for the best, we must take action, even if only to prevent our family and neighbors from needless additional suffering.

Stay vigilant and be safe.


DeWine Forms Working Groups for Next Reopening Phase

Dozen Members of DeWine, Husted’s Ohio Economic Advisory Board Are Campaign Donors

Write-In “John Stewart” for District 12!

OH District 12 Libertarians!

Please be aware, our own John Stewart, long time Libertarian activist, is running as write-in for District 12.
In addition to pulling a Libertarian Primary ballot you must write-in “John Stewart” for the District 12 US Congress election.

Not sure what district you live in?
Look up your Sample Ballot!

It will look similar to this!

Early primary voting is OPEN!

Get out and #VoteLibertarian

Remember you MUST ASK for a Libertarian ballot, do not just accept what is handed to you.

If you are told that is not possible or the poll worker acts confused contact LPO or FCLPO IMMEDIATELY. All poll workers should be trained to know and not impose their own bias on the process.

Franklin County Voters go to:

1700 Morse Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43229 (Directions)

Franklin County Libertarians field 16 candidates for County Central Committee

Congratulations to the following candidates who have been certified for the County Central Committee election on March 17th, 2020!

 Marie Myers  Columbus  Ward 46
 Heather O. Sheets  Columbus  Ward 57
 Albert L. Vest  Columbus  Ward 67
 Chad Harris  Columbus  Ward 69
 Christopher Gill  Columbus  Ward 77
 Harold D Thomas  Columbus  Ward 84
 Paul J Ridenour  Gahanna  Ward 02
 Michael Sweeney  Gahanna  Ward 03
 Drake Lundstrom  Gahanna  Ward 04
 John S. Stewart  Gahanna  Ward 04
 Jordan T Bertke  Hilliard  Ward 04
 Scott T. Smith  Jackson Township
 Patrick J Hoffman  Madison Township
 Jennifer Lynn Flower  Prairie Township
 Kenneth D. Holpp  Worthington  Ward 01
 David Nadolny  Worthington  Ward 02


The important role of Central Committee members

We’ve fielded a few questions about why it is important to have a vibrant and diverse County Central Committee. Beyond the vital roles CentCom provides for electing the Executive Committee, endorsing candidates and approving By-Law amendments, it also functions as a reliable pool of Libertarian Party affiliated electors for candidate and issue petitions.
Anyone that has spent any time collecting signatures for petition knows the unique struggle the process involves. Asking, getting a yes, checking a person is eligible, getting a valid signature, filling out the form, all steps that could cause trouble down the road.
As the Franklin County Libertarian Party grows and flexes is political abilities, we will benefit from more hands pushing and eyes watching for opportunity.
Growing our Central Committee is crucial to growing a strong and dynamic Libertarian Party.
We cannot do this without you and thank you sincerely for your effort. It is appreciated.

– Michael Sweeney
Chair, Executive Committee
Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio

Urgent Party Business – Become A Central Committee Member!

We are pleased to report that the Franklin County Board of Elections has accepted our plan to be included in the March 17th, 2020 Ohio primary election.

Seven years, $250 thousand dollars, hundreds of volunteer hours and 102 thousand signatures from liberty minded Ohioans. This is what it has taken for the Libertarian Party of Ohio to be recognized and allowed to participate in Ohio public elections again.

We have pushed this as far as we can. We need you to take the next step and lead the Franklin County Libertarians to success.

I am inviting you to get involved and submit the linked Declaration of Candidacy to become a member of the Franklin County Libertarian Party Central Committee. Print out the form, fill it out, put it in an envelope, add a stamp and place it in the mail before Dec 18th. You do not need any signatures beyond your own! When your declaration is received by the Board of Elections you will show them that Libertarians are more then arm-chair activists; we are in our communities, contributing and working.

What does it mean to be a Central Committee Member?

Partisan Duties & Responsibilities

Here is a list of opportunities for every township or ward committee member.

  • Represent the Township or Ward to the Party
  • Attend meetings of the Libertarian Central Committee to organize and supervise the County Libertarian Party operations and to endorse candidates (3 or 4 a year).
  • Vote in the election of local Libertarian Township or Ward Leaders.
  • Participate in local and county meetings and events.

Local Non-Partisan Leadership

As a Central Committee Member in your ward or township, you are a leader in your neighborhood regardless of the strength of our party in your community. You will find that candidates and public officials of all parties will be interested in your ideas as to what needs to be done in your community.

We have little time for this crucial next step. The filing deadline, Dec 18th, is fast approaching. We need as many Libertarians as possible to make their voices heard and loudly show the establishment that we will not be silenced or held back.

We are counting on you to move the Franklin County Libertarian Party forward again.

Thanks in advance.

Your colleague in liberty,
Michael Sweeney
Chair, Executive Committee
Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio



Declaration of Candidacy – No Petition – Party Primary –   County Central Committee (PDF)


The Ohio Primary Election date for this form is:


The Franklin County Libertarian Party of Ohio Central Committee is organized around wards or township.
If you live in a city such as Columbus, Dublin, Gahanna, Westerville, Grove City, etc, you will fill in the line:

• Ward ________ City or Village of __________

If you do not live in a city, but an unincorpo- rated area of a township then fill in the line:

• Township of __________

Not sure what ward or township you live in? Look it up. Polling-Locations/


Franklin County Board of Elections
c/o Declaration of C­­andidacy
1700 Morse Rd
Columbus, Oh 43229

Celebrate our wonderful Volunteers and Candidates!

Volunteer Appreciation Party, Dec 13th 7pm
The FCLP will be holding our monthly social and celebrate our wonderful volunteers and candidates at Studio 35 Cinema & Drafthouse, 3055 Indianola Ave, Columbus. Celebrate our fantastic volunteers with food, drinks, door prizes and raffle! A years worth of hard work, knocking on doors, spreading liberty and getting it done!
Stay till 11pm and catch The Killer Raccoons 2 movie!

Facebook Event | Directions

We’ll have door prizes and multiple raffles again! You could win this sweet LP ball cap, T-shirts or buttons!

Unable to attend? Please donate to help make this and future events happen!

Donate today to support Irvine for Ohio and our Libertarian candidates across the state!
Donate today to support Franklin County Libertarian candidates and issues!

Election Night Brings Two New Libertarian Mayors to Ohio

Columbus, Ohio – In the first local election cycle since regaining ballot access, the Libertarian Party of Ohio celebrated five wins on Tuesday’s election night. The two biggest wins are Mayor Elect Cassandra Fryman of Plymouth, Ohio and Mayor Elect Daniel Harmon of Thornville, Ohio. Winning re-election are Huber Heights Councilman Glenn Otto and Gasper Township Trustee Eric White. Also winning is Michael Chumley being elected to the West Clermont School District Board of Education.

Also making great strides in Northeast Ohio is Brandon Bobbit who ran for Elyria City Council in the 7th Ward. He made recent history by taking the largest percentage of the vote in a partisan race for the Libertarian Party of Ohio since 2014. Elyria, you haven’t seen the last of Brandon. In a statement by his campaign last night “…we will continue to find ways to serve this community (Elyria).” Also in Northeast Ohio, State Central Committee member Joseph Loyd was defeated for Chardon City School Board, but managed to help win the fight against a $76 million bond issue.

Central Ohio also had its fair share of bittersweet news on election night. Long time Libertarian activist Tricia Sprankle, lost her race for Gahanna City Attorney to a massive old party machine. Having raised an unheard of amount of donations for a City Attorney race, she only lost by 854 votes and pulled in 44.56% of the votes cast. Franklin County Libertarian Party’s other major race was Jennifer Flower. Her long fought battle for Prairie Township Trustee ended with her in second place in a 4 way race with 30% of the vote. Over in Coshocton County, Former State Central Committee member Robert Leist took 16% of the vote in a 5 way race for Coschocton City Council at Large.

As you may recall, the Libertarian Party of Ohio regained ballot access in the summer of 2018 when it turned in over 102,000 signatures from citizens from all 88 counties. Since regaining ballot access, the LPO has run over 30 candidates for Federal, State, and Local offices. In order to retain ballot access the Libertarian Party Presidential nominee will have to obtain 3% of the votes cast in the State of Ohio. Find out more about the Libertarian Party of Ohio by visiting or emailing

Source :

It’s That Time Of Year

Once again we reach that time of year where we are given the privilege of participating in the governance of our communities.  Once again candidates promise the voters things they can’t possibly deliver.  Once again voters believe them.

Also, once again, you will be told that you only have two choices, Republican or Democrat.

Once again, that is a lie.

I have never seen anywhere outside of police state efforts directed solely to limit voter’s choices at elections.

The State of Ohio has already knocked the Green Party off the ballot and tried to knock one of our own candidates off but were thwarted by the Ohio Supreme Court (thank you Rob Bender).

I’ve no doubt they will try again in 2020.

The only way to stop that is to make our voices heard and on Tuesday, November 5th, we will have the chance to do just that.

We have three endorsed candidates running for offices in Franklin County in this election: Tricia Sprankle, running for City Attorney in Gahanna, Jennifer Flower, running for Prairie Township Trustee, and Rob Bender, running for Reynoldsburg City Council for Ward 3.

If you live in these communities you can help put these three into office, but only if you actually vote.

To quote a line from Babylon 5, “If we don’t create the future, someone else will.”

Ken Holpp, Communications Director, FCLPO.

Volunteer Lobbyist Needed!

If you live in Central Ohio and would like to lobby the General Assembly, LPO is looking for a volunteer lobbyist to do just that.
Basic requirements are: business casual attire, be polite but persuasive, be available to attend (and sometimes testify in) legislative hearings on less than a week’s notice, and live in Central Ohio. Selected person will be trained to identify bills of interest to us, define action items for us to take in support or opposition to those bills, and will introduce the selected person to a group of Statehouse lobbyists who meet monthly and who can provide advice and support.

It can be a bit demanding from time to time — at other times, it can be very easy. Unfortunately, when the legislature is in session, you can’t always know which it will be.
Use our contact form below to learn more!

Here are some things you can do to help the Libertarian Party in Franklin County:

  • Volunteer. We need petition circulators, people to staff our booths at fairs and community events, host social and educational events, and raise money. If you have a special skill you would like to share with us, let us know that, too!
  • Run for office. We are looking for state House and Senate candidates in 2018, and for municipal and school board races in 2019. Don’t be shy — we can give you the help you need to get started.
  • Donate money. Every dollar you can give helps spread the cause of liberty!

Restoring liberty to Central Ohio will take many people with many talents!

Contact FCLPO

Name: *
Phone: Providing a phone number allows us to contact you quicker.
Email: *
I would like to : * Circulate petitions to put our candidates on the ballot Recruit volunteers Run for office Contact others using social media Join the FCLPO monthly newsletter

Mailing Address:
Franklin County Libertarian Party
c/o Ohio Libertarian Party
PO Box 29193
Columbus, Ohio 43229

Office Address:
Franklin County Libertarian Party
c/o Ohio Libertarian Party
6230 Busch Blvd, Suite 102
Columbus, Ohio 43229